On 12 December the Ambassador of Finland in Kazakhstan, Ms. Soili Mäkeläinen-Buhanist, visited Narxoz University to discuss cooperation in the education sector.
Currently, Narxoz University if realizing a project supported by the Embassy of Finland: "Integrated approach to human rights education in Kazakhstan", which addresses the lack of tools and capacities on human rights and sustainable development education in Kazakhstan.
Beneficiaries of the project:
- officials from the national and local government organizations in the field of education, including methodology experts
- school teachers and methodology experts
- young activists in the field of human rights
Key partners in the project are the National Academy of Education and UNESCO.
From Narxoz side, the project is coordinated by Ms. Olena Bondarenko and Mr. Brendan Duprey.
Currently, Narxoz University if realizing a project supported by the Embassy of Finland: "Integrated approach to human rights education in Kazakhstan", which addresses the lack of tools and capacities on human rights and sustainable development education in Kazakhstan.
Beneficiaries of the project:
- officials from the national and local government organizations in the field of education, including methodology experts
- school teachers and methodology experts
- young activists in the field of human rights
Key partners in the project are the National Academy of Education and UNESCO.
From Narxoz side, the project is coordinated by Ms. Olena Bondarenko and Mr. Brendan Duprey.