ALLVET project participants at a conference at SILKWAY International University
On October 28, 2019, SILKWAY International University launched a training seminar for employees of international departments of universities in Kazakhstan and the CIS "Internationalization of Higher Education: building advanced competencies for International Officers". The seminar was attended by experienced managers and employees of international departments of universities from Jordan (University of the Middle East), Russia (Novosibirsk state University), Belarus (Gomel state University named after F. Skorina), and Kazakhstan (Narxoz University). The two-day seminar brought together students from universities and colleges in Shymkent, as well as from Narxoz University, Taraz Innovation and Humanities University. The Head of the Career Center of "Narxoz University" - Gaini Mukhanova made a report and practical recommendations on how to submit project applications, how to form an effective consortium. Also she shared with information that the team of the Career Center of Narxoz University has won a new project ALLVET 609952-EPP-1-2019-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP "Creating an Alliance of HE and TVET in accordance with the implementation of the principles of the Bologna process through increasing the capacity of TVET teachers". She spoke about the goals and objectives of the project, the results that are planned for the project. Gaini Mukhanova informed that all interested universities and colleges can be involved in the project to connect to the web platform, where all training courses, modules and methodological materials will be uploaded to develop the potential of teachers of colleges and universities. This aroused great interest among the audience and new partnerships were established (