In February 2019, the Career Center of Narxoz University JSC submitted 3 project applications for participation in the Erasmus + program. To our general joy, the leadership of Narxoz received an official letter No. 66-22 of August 7, 2019 from the Director of the National Office of the Erasmus + Program in Kazakhstan, Ms. Tasbulatova Sh.U. that following the results of the Fifth Competition for the component "Capacity building in higher education" (PEP) of the Erasmus + program by the decision of the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture of the European Commission, ten new projects with the participation of Kazakhstani universities were selected for funding, in one of which the partner is Narxoz University. This is the project 609952-EPP-1-2019-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP ALLVET "Creation of an alliance of HE and VET in accordance with the implementation of the principles of the Bologna process through increasing the potential of VET teachers." This project is of great importance for improving not only the sphere of higher education, but also for the development of TVE organizations, therefore, the colleges of the Republic of Kazakhstan will become the main platform for the implementation of the project results.
The project application was prepared by the team of the Career Center of Narxoz University, and worthy partner universities were invited to the consortium: SDU and IITU.
The entire staff of the Narxoz Career Center is aware, along with the high honor rendered by the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual Means and Culture of the European Commission, but also the full degree of responsibility for the worthy implementation of the project, the organization of the well-coordinated work of the entire Kazakhstan consortium.