Online meeting of the ALLVET project working group during the emergency mode
"Narxoz University" uses remote work opportunities in the conditions of the pandemic and the declared quarantine. The remote format of work is used both in the academic block, the organization and conduct of classes, and in order to solve operational issues. On March 31, 2020, the ALLVET project working group of ERASMUS+ program held a working meeting in a remote format via Hangouts Meet. The meeting was attended by: K.Amenova, E.Satbekova, A.Zhondelbayeva, G.Mukhanova. The main issue of the working meeting was to resolve important issues related to the Partnership Agreement, study the PA, and discuss items 6.2.1., 6.2.2., and 6.2.3. of this PA. They also discussed the terms of funding by the Executive Agency for education, audiovisual and culture of the European Commission of the National office of Erasmus+ program for the second and final tranches of payment for the project. An important aspect is that the working group came to the conclusion to make changes to the PA in terms of paragraphs 6.2.2 and 6.2.3., determining a more acceptable option for receiving a single tranche of 50% of the grant. After that, Narxoz University will use co-financing and its own financial resources until the overall use of 70% of the grant. Only after the grant has been disbursed by 70%, Narxoz will be able to issue an invoice for the second tranche, which will also reimburse the Narxoz expenses that the University will invest in project activities in advance. The final tranche will be received after receiving and approving the final reports: on the project and the financial report of the Narxoz by the grantholder (Serbia) and the Executive Agency (Brussels). The second item on the agenda of the working meeting was to discuss the procedure for purchasing equipment for the project and sending documentation to grantholders. It was decided that Narxoz University will prepare and send to Serbia: 3 commercial offers, the Tender Commission decision Protocol for procurement, which will determine the supplier of equipment and all documentation confirming compliance with quality standards, including: certificate of origin, quality certificate, specifications, etc. The third issue on the agenda is the distribution of responsibilities within the working group and the definition of areas of responsibility and functionality. The final decision on this issue has been postponed to the next meeting of the project's working group, which will also be held in a remote format. This decision was made taking into account the need for all members of the project working group to participate in the meeting on the distribution of responsibilities in the project, the appointment of responsible persons for work packages, etc. Due to industrial circumstances, not all members of the working group were able to join the meeting at the working meeting of March 31, 2020. The next meeting is scheduled for April 14, 2020.