All materials on this project were studied, as well as on two projects related to UNIWORK: COMPLETE, ALLVET. An interview was conducted with Gaini Mukhanova, coordinator of the UNIWORK project of the TEMPUS program, Head of the Career Center. A strong synergistic effect was revealed with the subsequent COMPLETE 561603-EPP-1-2015-1-DE-EPPКA2-CBHE-JP projects “Creation of Competence and Employment Development Centers” (2015-2018) of the ERASMUS+ program. As well as wider development in the framework of the next project ALLVET 609952-EPP-1-2019-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “Creating an alliance of HE and TVET in accordance with the implementation of the principles of the Bologna process through increasing the capacity of teachers of TVET” (2020-2023). Then it was decided to publish the Kazakhstan case of successful career guidance projects in the analytical report of the European Education Fund (Turin, Italy). 2 projects: UNIWORK and COMPLETE were implemented at Narxoz University very successfully. Narxoz was the leader of the Kazakhstan consortium on these projects. The third project - ALLVET is currently also being implemented at the Narxoz University, and is the leader of the Kazakhstan consortium of partner universities.
Also, in Turin, at an international poster session, the posters of 3 of the most successful projects implemented in Kazakhstan were presented. These included the COMPLETE 561603-EPP-1-2015-1-DE-EPPКA2-CBHE-JP project “Creation of Competence and Employment Development Centers” (2015-2018) of the ERASMUS + program. The poster is shown in the photo.

It should be noted that this is a huge merit of the entire working group of the project and the coordinator - Dr. PhD, head of the department "Accounting, Auditing and Analysis" Dzhondelbaeva Aigul Seitzhanovna. The key executors are all employees of the Narxoz University Career Center: Asem Kazieva, Manshuk Ordakhanova, Botagoz Shakerbaeva, Nurken Zhanabay, Tansholpan Ibatolla, who also took an active part in the UNIWORK project, and are currently members of the ALLVET project working group.
We also provide a description of the Kazakhstan case study of successful career guidance projects entitled “The role of the EU funds in development of career guidance and career centers”. It was published in the analytical report on career guidance of the European Education Fund: «There is a number of EU supported activities within the Bologna process framework. For example, the TEMPUS UNIWORK program at “Strengthening Career Centre in Central Asia Higher Education Institutions to empower graduates in obtaining and creating quality employment» (full reference: 544126-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-ES-TEMPUS-JPHES), which was implemented in 2013-2016. The aim of the program is to «boost university-industry links that foster sustainable socio-economic development in Central Asia, through enhancing the capacities of HEI in effectively promoting employability of graduates and entrepreneurship culture amongst students». This was done through the equipping of employment career centres, organizing networking activities with the employers, guess lectures and master classes on topics such as resume writing, negotiations, job interview. The program targeted career centres in 12 Central Asian HEIs and reinforcing university-enterprise relationships. In Kazakhstan two universities participated in this program: Narxoz University (previous name - Turar Ryskulov Kazakh Economic University) and Kokshetau State University (KokSU)».